
Policies are basic rules that create clarity and unity in the workplace. They ensure protection, safety and fairness for all employees and promote a positive company culture. By following policies, we at Hotel Concept can work towards common goals and values while preserving the safety and well-being of everyone.

In the tabs below you can read about our policies.

Quality & Environmental Policy

We are professionals in the renovation of hotel rooms and public areas. Hotel Concept offers an overall concept for cost-effective and qualitative interior design of hotels and other public spaces. We have an office in Uddevalla but work throughout Sweden, in other Nordic countries and in Europe. Our customers are mainly in the hotel sector but also in the real estate industry. We have a clear process-based organization that handles procurement, production and finances.


Hotel Concept aims for our customers to be so satisfied with the projects we carry out that they return (to us). We run all projects with our own project managers and staff with high competence. We have a well-developed process that is followed throughout the entire project.

Our goal is to minimize our warranty and complaint cases. We must achieve the goal by following routines in our management system, for example which self-checks must be carried out and how we plan, implement and follow up our projects.


Through good planning, we must protect the environment and prevent pollution. We must minimize the generation of waste and the waste that is generated is sorted according to current guidelines. By reusing furnishings, many environmental gains are made, for example the emissions that new products give rise to during manufacturing are minimized and you save on finite resources. We reuse and recycle products and furnishings instead of buying new, when this is appropriate.

We must minimize the harmful emissions that arise from our own transport by choosing cars with lower fuel consumption or choosing electric/hybrid cars when purchasing and planning our trips. We must comply with the environmental laws and other requirements to which we are subject. We work to constantly improve our way of working and our processes, this of course includes both our environmental and our quality work.

Work environment work must be included as an integrated and natural part of the company’s overall operations, that is, work environment issues must be dealt with in direct connection with everyday issues. Our workplaces must be safe and healthy, so we strive for safe workplaces where ill-health, accidents and work-related injuries are prevented. Our employees must be well trained and have insight and awareness in work environment and safety issues, then we achieve efficiency and quality in our work environment work. It is a profitable investment for the future where high work motivation, job satisfaction and low sickness absence are the direct profits. Our managers stand for clear and visible leadership that is based on respect and care for our employees, partners and third parties.

This means that we:

  • Always follow laws and regulations
  • Has an active goal management where we regularly follow up on goals and establish new ones so that it is ensured that the improvement work takes place continuously
  • All employees receive the introduction and training they need to work safely.
  • Regularly carry out risk assessments, by themselves or in collaboration with the customer/customer to plan the work for the best possible solution from a safety point of view
  • All employees report incidents and accidents that occur so that they can be investigated and measures can be taken
  • Keeps order and order at our workplaces and in our vehicles
  • Carry out competence inventories and plan for long-term competence development.
  • We learn from each other. We encourage safe behaviors and act when we see someone working unsafely.
  • We must eliminate the occurrence of hazards and reduce our work environment risks.
  • We must constantly improve our work environment work.
  • We carry out consultations in which our employees and employee representatives participate.
  • We strive to ensure that the work is compatible with a well-functioning family life.


Traffic safety is a natural part of our work environment, our employees must lead by example by:

  • keep given speed limits and respect applicable traffic rules,
  • use a seat belt,
  • be sober and drug-free,
  • ensure that the vehicle is road safe and has the necessary road safety equipment,
  • immediately report damage/faults on vehicles to management.

Our objective

Hotel Concept has an uncompromising view on drugs. Our goal is to keep the companies free from abuse.

The company’s basic vision

A good working environment is a matter of course in working life. Employees who use and are affected by drugs in the workplace deteriorate both the physical and the psychosocial work environment and this entails risks at work both for the person who is affected and for fellow workers. Achieving maximum safety for both staff and customers is very important.

It is therefore not permitted to use alcohol, drugs or medicines which are classified as narcotics, during working hours other than what is stated below under the point “Offering alcohol”. It is not accepted to come to your workplace hungover or under the influence. Our basic view is that the abuse must go away and the employee must remain. The company must work to reduce sickness absence due to alcohol and drugs. All employees, regardless of position, must be treated equally.

To offer alcohol

We do not serve alcohol on weekdays. Representations, course graduations, employee parties and the like can, however, justify offering alcoholic beverages, but it must be in moderation and good non-alcoholic alternatives must also be offered. Although for most people alcohol is associated with party, celebration, community and well-being, we know that many people should not, do not want or cannot drink alcohol. The reasons may be medical, ideological or other. Some try to avoid ending up in an alcohol addiction. Others undergo treatment for their alcoholism. Regardless of the reason, we must show respect to those who abstain from alcohol. Wine and spirits lotteries are not encouraged.

To prevent abuse

It is everyone’s responsibility to react if you know or suspect that someone in the workplace has substance abuse problems. It is the best support a colleague can give. Those who abuse often deny their addiction both to themselves and to others. Loyalty from co-workers unfortunately contributes to the abuse being reinforced and the problems persisting or worsening. Therefore, report your observations directly to the addict and his manager, or directly to the personnel manager, so that the necessary measures can be taken. This is not to gossip about anyone but a way to help the addict. If you do nothing, you accept the possibility of continuing the abuse.

Other participants may be occupational health care, trade union representatives, safety representatives, co-workers, care facilities and other organizations that work with substance abuse problems. After a drug offense or in case of suspicion of abuse, We must act as quickly as possible to bring about rehabilitation measures.

Consequences of abuse

The manager is obliged to reject anyone who uses drugs or is under the influence of drugs from the workplace. People with hangovers and who cannot manage their work satisfactorily must also be rejected. Managers are given support in managing this. A drug-affected/hangover employee must not drive home himself, the immediate manager is responsible for the person getting home safely.
An employee with an addiction problem agrees with his immediate superior on how help should be received/offered. Anyone who mismanages their work due to alcohol or other drug abuse, does not submit to rehabilitation, or who despite rehabilitation measures continues his addiction, ultimately risks being dismissed from his employment.

The company has the right to sign a treatment contract with the employee in which they mutually agree on treatment, its follow-up and consequences in the event of interrupted treatment, etc. The company also has the right to request a drug test of the employee if necessary. In the event of an absence that has not been granted in advance, this is considered an unauthorized absence. We are not obliged to grant holiday or compensatory leave afterwards. In the event of sickness absence, the company has the option of requesting a sickness certificate from the first day of sick leave.

Education and information

No one should have to refrain from helping an abusive employee due to ignorance or lack of information. Alcohol or other substance abuse issues will be addressed to an appropriate extent with information and education. All new hires are also informed of the policy.


Follow-up of this policy must take place during the annual review of business plans and policy documents. Action plans are also available where treatment and other support measures are shown, as well as consequences if the action plan is not carried out.

External/Internal contacts

Both for preventive purposes, e.g. in connection with various training courses and in specific cases of abuse, managers and employees with observations must be able to receive support both externally and internally with in-depth knowledge. We primarily use our occupational healthcare as a conversation partner in these cases.

Privacy and Anonymity

Regardless of whether an employee undergoes treatment or not, full anonymity is guaranteed, internally as well as externally. It is up to the individual to decide whether he or she wants to make his illness public or not. In handling these issues, the greatest possible consideration must be given to the employee’s integrity.

Your responsibility

This drug policy has been established by the company’s management. The policy has been developed internally and through contacts with external advisers.

It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that the policy contributes to the good working environment to which each employee is entitled. The individual drug addict has his own responsibility for changing his addiction. Show that you notice that he/she is there and needs help. Make demands that your co-worker do his part of the group’s work.
Don’t lie to protect the addict – it only helps him/her continue their addiction undisturbed.

To get involved and to question is to care!

We are professionals in the renovation of hotel rooms and public areas. We offer an overall concept for cost-effective and qualitative interior design of hotels and other public spaces. We have an office in Uddevalla but work throughout Sweden, in other Nordic countries and in Europe. Our customers are mainly in the hotel sector but also in the real estate industry.

Code of Conduct is our ethical guidelines that describe the rules of conduct that should guide us. They are based on our values and our leadership. Our code of conduct must be communicated to our suppliers so that they can be a support in their work. These ethical guidelines should help us create added value for our customers, employees, shareholders, business partners, society and other stakeholders.

We have defined a number of principles by which we operate:

  • We must comply with the laws, standards and regulations in the countries where we operate.
  • We conduct our business with high integrity and morality.
  • We take responsibility for our actions
  • We respect the local rules and procedures of the client and the business.
  • We represent the company in all our actions on the projects and always behave accordingly even after the end of working hours.
  • We respect the UN Declaration on Human Rights and accept our responsibility to uphold the rights of employees and society in our operations (Principles 1 and 2 of the Global Compact ).



Our position is to always at least comply with the laws, rules and regulations that apply in the countries where we operate. Our management takes action in the event of any violations.

Accounting and reporting

We manage our accounting and reporting in accordance with national legislation.


We never accept, directly or indirectly, bribes or other improper benefits or compensation, for the benefit of the business and/or for financial gain. We never offer or give any gift or payment that constitutes or could be construed as a bribe. We reject and immediately report to management any demands for, or offers of, bribes.

Responsibilities of suppliers

We strive to ensure that our suppliers are willing to meet the requirements set out in this Code of Conduct . We evaluate and follow up their ability to meet this.

Supplier relations

We act not only efficiently but also in a fair, sustainable and sensible way in our dealings with our suppliers. At the same time, we always strive for integrity, honesty and responsibility.

Supplier selection

We choose our suppliers in a professional, systematic and fair way. Our negotiations with suppliers take place in an honest and fair manner. Our suppliers must respect the principles of the code of conduct and implement it in their operations. Upon request from us, suppliers must inform which manufacturers they use.


We require that all employees are aware of and follow our purchasing guidelines and that they understand the need to behave in an ethically defensible manner.


We recognize the importance of confidentiality and we ensure that no unauthorized persons or companies have access to the confidential information we receive from our suppliers.


We conduct our business as responsible citizens and support and respect international agreements on human rights.

Forced labor

We do not accept forced labour. The employees shall also not have to leave a deposit or hand over identity documents upon employment.

Child labor

We do not accept child labour, defined as work performed by persons under the age of 15, or a higher age if local legislation specifies a higher age limit and/or longer compulsory schooling.

Trade unions

We respect the employees’ right to form and join the trade unions they wish and to bargain collectively.

Wages and allowances

We ensure that wages and benefits at least reach statutory levels and/or minimum industry standards in the countries where we operate.

Working hours

We comply with laws and industry standards for working hours in the countries where we operate.


We do not accept corruption, bribery and illegal anti-competitive measures that distort markets and hinder economic, social and democratic development. We shall never use such methods.
In order to maintain our business ethics, we shall never act in violation of applicable competition laws, e.g. by abusing a dominant position, not participating in illegal industry cooperation, e.g. through cartel formation.

Business ethics

Our ambition is to constantly exceed the demands that customers and other stakeholders place on the quality of our services/products. We must constantly develop our products/services and our business.